Chicken's blood over Jerusalem or 'How to protect the land from the German forces'.
On August 14, 1981, the personal testimony of the pilot (engineer and film producer) Wim Van Leer was published in The Jerusalem Post, centering on the kabbalists’ flight. According to Van Leer, on June 20, 1948, during a flight from Europe to Israel in the service of the Haganah (the major Jewish defense organization at the time of the British Mandate in Palestine), he spent the night at the control tower of a small airport in Al-Adam, Cyrenaica (close to Tobruk, on Libya’s eastern border). An Irish pilot he met there, with whom he talked through the night, told him that he had been on an air mission in Palestine in 1942, when Rommel had stood at the gates of Alexandria. In his account (as narrated by Van Leer many years later), a delegation of rabbis approached the Air Force commander in Palestine and offered to draw a circle around the land to protect it from the German forces. For that purpose, they needed a plane. Their request was passed on and“somebody approved it.”When the pilot telling the story landed his Dakota at the Atarot airport in northern Jerusalem, waiting for him beside a military truck was a large group of “holy men” accompanied by some army person who was in charge and instructed the plane crew. Three old rabbis boarded the plane, on which their friends loaded many cages with white hens. The planned circular route included a flight along the coast of Israel and Egypt up to Alexandria, southward along the Suez Canal, landing for refueling, onward to Aqaba, and northward to the Dead Sea along the Jordan River up to Jerusalem. Since the blood of the hens was meant to be sprayed along the route, the door of one of the plane’s loading docks was removed, a net was set in place to prevent falls, and the flight departed. The rabbis, who were covered in the fowls’ blood because of the air sucked into the plane through the opening, recited psalms and prayers all the time, slaughtered more and more hens and squeezed their blood through the opening. According to the pilot, a great deal of blood spread on the body and the tail of the plane, and the place was a mess of cages, blood, and fowls’ carcasses. At the end of the flight, the rabbis gave the crew some money “for beer,” and that was the end.
Yuval Harari. "Three Charms for Killing Adolf Hitler. Practical Kabbalah in WW2." Aries - Journal for the Study of Western Esotericism, 17(2), pp. 182-183. Brill. 2017.
Yuval Harari. "Three Charms for Killing Adolf Hitler. Practical Kabbalah in WW2." Aries - Journal for the Study of Western Esotericism, 17(2), pp. 182-183. Brill. 2017.
Nam stat fua cuiq~ dies, breue et irreparabile tempus.
Nam stat fua cuiq~ dies, breue et irreparabile tempus.