...men all too willing to be damned.
So he spoke, and suddenly a raging throng of madmen appeared, bringers of death, terrible to look upon, with savage expressions, brutal eyes, of hateful appearance, and terrible in the way they moved. They had twisted minds, depraved morals, lying tongues, spoke in obscenities, and while haughty in appearance they were empty of substance and thus vile both within and without. Paupers in goodness, but wealthy in evil and enslaved to wickedness, they were enemies of God, though eternal friends indeed of the devil, men all too willing to be damned. This accursed band, vile madness giving them their arms, seized him and their stony heart poured a rain of stones over the martyr of God. The terrible missiles flung by the madmen missed him: the harsh nature of flints turned aside in its flight, and the very sound of the stoning showed itself to be the servant of the servant of God. The stones, though not living, were alive to God's laws and yielded to the Deity. Human hearts, which could have turned and drawn near to pity, alone remained unmoved. As he breathed out his spirit, one of them seized a club and broke the holy man's neck. Thus his soul abandoning its fleshy guise and freeing itself from corporal chains, joined triumphant with its colleagues in the starry heavens.
A. T. Fear. 'Life and Martyrdom of Saint Desiderius', 18, pp. 11-12, in Translated Texts for Historians, Volume 26: "Lives of the Visigothic Fathers". Liverpool University Press, 1997.
Nam stat fua cuiq~ dies, breue et irreparabile tempus.