Electronic Resources for Classicists: The Second Generation
Electronic Resources for Classicists: The Second Generation
The first version of this survey was published in the February 1994 issue of the New England Classical Journal. [NECJ XXI.3 (1993-94) 117-21]. One year later the number of new web sites and resources had grown so much that a revision of the list was necessary. The second survey was published in the February 1995 issue of the same journal (NECJ XXII.3 (February 1995). Soon afterwards an electronic version of the list was made available via the UPenn server--thanks to Professor James O' Donnell. In the summer of 1995 the survey was converted to HTML format with links to the various resources and made available via the Classics WWW server at the University of New Hampshire. In 1996 "Electronic Resources for Classicicts" and its author moved to the University of California, Irvine, to a server maintained by the TLG Project.
Information included in "Electronic Resources" was obtained mostly through frequent "trips" in the Cyberspace. Credit and many thanks are also due to James Ruebel, Iowa State University, who compiled the Repositories of Classical Texts or Publications, Ross Scaife, University of Kentucky, who maintains extensive lists of information and resources in the Univ. of Kentucky Classics Department Web server, Sebastian Heath whose Classics and Mediterranean Archaeology is a great resource for Classics and Archaeology, the subscribers of the CLASSICS Discussion Group, who have shared and continue to share information about new Internet resources with the rest of the group, and the countless individuals who have taken the time to write and alert me to the existence of many new web pages.
Maria PanteliaUC Irvine